50+ Basic Linux Commands For Beginners


Are you ready to dive into the world of Linux? Whether you're a newcomer or looking to brush up on your skills, mastering basic Linux commands is essential for navigating through this powerful operating system. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through over 50+ essential linux commands that will help you become proficient in Linux terminal operations. From navigating files and directories to managing networks and system resources, this guide covers it all.

Best Linux Commands for Beginners

What is Linux?

Linux is an open-source operating system renowned for its versatility, stability, and robustness. It powers everything from smartphones and tablets to servers and supercomputers. One of the key features of Linux is its command-line interface, which provides users with powerful tools and utilities to interact with the system efficiently.

Basic Linux Commands:

Below is a table showcasing some of the most fundamental of 50+ basic Linux commands along with their descriptions and sample outputs.

Sr. No. Command Usage
1 ls List files and directories
2 cd Change directory
3 pwd Print working directory
4 mkdir Create a new directory
5 rm Remove files or directories
6 cp Copy files or directories
7 mv Move or rename files or directories
8 touch Create a new file
9 cat Concatenate and display file contents
10 less View file contents page by page
11 head Display the beginning of a file
12 tail Display the end of a file
13 grep Search for patterns in files
14 find Search for files and directories
15 chmod Change file permissions
16 chown Change file ownership
17 ps Display process status
18 top Display Linux processes
19 kill Terminate processes
20 df Display disk space usage
21 du Display directory space usage
22 uname Display system information
23 ifconfig Display network interface configuration
24 ping Send ICMP echo requests to a host
25 traceroute Trace the route to a host
26 netstat Display network connections
27 ssh Connect to a remote server via SSH
28 scp Securely copy files between hosts
29 wget Download files from the internet
30 curl Transfer data from or to a server
31 tar Archive files into a single file
32 gzip Compress files
33 gunzip Decompress files
34 zip Create zip archives
35 unzip Extract files from a zip archive
36 apt-get Package management utility for Debian-based systems
37 yum Package management utility for Red Hat-based systems
38 rpm Package management utility for Red Hat-based systems
39 systemctl Control system services on systemd Linux systems
40 journalctl Query and display system logs
41 crontab Schedule tasks to run at specific times
42 at Schedule tasks to run once
43 date Display or set the system date and time
44 who Display information about currently logged in users
45 su Switch user or become superuser
46 sudo Execute commands as another user
47 history Display command history
48 echo Print a message
49 awk Text processing tool
50 sed Stream editor

25 Most-Commonly Used Linux Commands

1. ls command in Linux
The `ls` command is commonly used to identify the files and directories in the working directory. This command is one of the many often-used Linux commands that you should know.

This command can be used by itself without any arguments and it will provide us the output with all the details about the files and the directories in the current working directory. There is a lot of flexibility offered by this command in terms of displaying data in the output. Check the below image for the output.



2. cd command in Linux

The `cd` command is used to change directories. It is a fundamental command for navigating the Linux file system.


cd /home/user/documents

3. pwd command in Linux

The `pwd` command stands for "print working directory". It displays the full path of the current working directory.



4. mkdir command in Linux

The `mkdir` command is used to create new directories.


mkdir new_directory

5. rm command in Linux

The `rm` command is used to remove files or directories.


rm file.txt

6. cp command in Linux

The `cp` command is used to copy files or directories.

Example :

cp file.txt destination_folder/

7. mv command in Linux

The `mv` command is used to move or rename files or directories.


mv file.txt new_location/

8. touch command in Linux

The `touch` command is used to create a new empty file.


touch new_file.txt

9. cat command in Linux

The `cat` command is used to display the contents of a file.


cat file.txt

10. less command in Linux

The `less` command is used to view file contents page by page.

Example :   

less file.txt

11. head command in Linux

The `head` command is used to display the beginning of a file.


head file.txt

12. tail command in Linux

The `tail` command is used to display the end of a file.


tail file.txt

13. grep command in Linux

The `grep` command is used to search for patterns in files.


grep "pattern" file.txt

14. find command in Linux

The `find` command is used to search for files and directories.


find /path/to/search -name "filename"

15. chmod command in Linux

The `chmod` command is used to change file permissions.


chmod 755 file.txt

16. chown command in Linux

The `chown` command is used to change file ownership.


chown user:group file.txt

17. ps command in Linux

The `ps` command is used to display process status.


ps aux

18. top command in Linux

The `top` command is used to display Linux processes.



19.kill command in Linux

The `kill` command is used to terminate processes.


kill PID

20. df command in Linux

The `df` command is used to display disk space usage.


df -h

21. du command in Linux

The `du` command is used to display directory space usage.


du -sh directory

22. uname command in Linux

The `uname` command is used to display system information.


uname -a

23. ifconfig command in Linux

The `ifconfig` command is used to display network interface configuration.



24. ping command in Linux

The `ping` command is used to send ICMP echo requests to a host.


ping codegyan.in

25. traceroute command in Linux

The `traceroute` command is used to trace the route to a host.


traceroute codegyan.in

Linux Network Tools: 

For network troubleshooting and management, Linux provides a rich set of tools such as `ifconfig`, `ping`, `ssh`, `scp`, and more. These tools allow you to configure network interfaces, test connectivity, and securely transfer files between hosts.

Linux Commands for DevOps:

As a DevOps practitioner, mastering Linux commands is crucial for managing servers, deploying applications, and automating tasks. Commands like `wget`, `tar`, `ssh`, and `sed` are indispensable tools in the DevOps toolkit for downloading files, working with archives, remote server management, and text processing.

Linux Terminal for Windows:

With the increasing popularity of Linux, many Windows users are exploring ways to utilize Linux tools and commands on their systems. Tools like `Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)` provide a seamless integration of Linux terminal within the Windows environment, allowing users to execute Linux commands natively.

Online Ubuntu Terminal:

For users who don't have access to a Linux machine, online Ubuntu terminals offer a convenient way to practice and execute Linux commands directly from their web browsers. Platforms like `Ubuntu in the Cloud` provide a virtual Linux environment accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

Bash Script Example:

Bash scripting is a powerful way to automate tasks and streamline workflows in Linux. Below is a simple example of a bash script to list files in a directory:

# Script to list files in a directory

echo "Listing files in the current directory:"


Mastering basic Linux commands is the first step towards becoming proficient in this powerful operating system. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, understanding these commands will empower you to navigate through the Linux terminal with confidence. From managing files and directories to networking and system administration, Linux offers a vast array of tools and utilities to suit every need. So roll up your sleeves, dive into the terminal, and unleash the full potential of Linux!


