Category: DBMS

15 posts

How to Find the Nth Highest Salary in SQL ?

Finding the nth highest salary in SQL is a common interview question and a practical task in database management. Here are several approaches to solve this problem, each with detailed explanations and... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

20-Jun-2024 17:29:50

56 Views DBMS, MySQL, SQL 5 months ago

How to insert multiple rows in SQL ?

To insert multiple rows in SQL we can follow the below syntax: INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2,column3...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3…..), (value1, value2, value3….), ... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

16-Dec-2021 16:49:13

42 Views DBMS, MySQL, SQL 3 years ago

September 11, 2020

2.2 K Views GCP Cloud Engineer 21 hours ago

What is a Trigger in SQL?

A trigger in SQL is a special kind of stored procedure that automatically executes (or "fires") when specific actions occur in a database. Triggers are typically used to enforce business rules, data i... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

04-Jul-2024 21:24:34

44 Views DBMS, SQL 4 months ago

What is a unique key in SQL ?

Unique Key is a constraint in SQL. So, before understanding what exactly is a primary key, let’s understand what exactly is a constraint in SQL. Constraints are the rules enforced on data columns on... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

16-Dec-2021 16:40:54

29 Views DBMS, MySQL, SQL 3 years ago

September 11, 2020

2.2 K Views GCP Cloud Engineer 21 hours ago

How to delete a column in SQL ?

To delete a column in SQL we will be using DROP COLUMN method: ALTER TABLE employees DROP COLUMN age; We will start off by giving the keywords ALTER TABLE, then we will give the name of the tab... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

16-Dec-2021 16:39:14

42 Views Database, DBMS, MySQL, SQL 3 years ago

What is a schema in SQL ?

Our database comprises of a lot of different entities such as tables, stored procedures, functions, database owners and so on. To make sense of how all these different entities interact, we would need... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

16-Dec-2021 16:35:48

33 Views Database, DBMS, SQL 3 years ago

September 11, 2020

2.2 K Views GCP Cloud Engineer 21 hours ago

What is OLAP ?

OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing. And a class of software programs which are characterized by relatively low frequency of online transactions. Queries are often too complex and involve a b... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

16-Dec-2021 16:34:02

29 Views DBMS 3 years ago

What is Data Integrity ?

Data Integrity is the assurance of accuracy and consistency of data over its entire life-cycle, and is a critical aspect to the design, implementation and usage of any system which stores, processes, ... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

16-Dec-2021 16:32:22

42 Views DBMS 3 years ago

September 11, 2020

2.2 K Views GCP Cloud Engineer 21 hours ago

What is OLTP ?

OLTP stands for Online Transaction Processing. And is a class of software applications capable of supporting transaction-oriented programs. An essential attribute of an OLTP system is its ability to m... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

16-Dec-2021 16:30:58

42 Views DBMS, SQL 3 years ago

What are Nested Triggers ?

Triggers may implement DML by using INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. These triggers that contain DML and find other triggers for data modification are called Nested Triggers.... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

16-Dec-2021 16:29:11

50 Views DBMS, SQL 3 years ago

September 11, 2020

2.2 K Views GCP Cloud Engineer 21 hours ago