Category: Object Oriented Programming

5 posts

How to Create Objects in JavaScript ?

How to Create Objects in JavaScript JavaScript is a powerful and flexible language that allows you to create dynamic and interactive web applications. One of the fundamental aspects of JavaScript i... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

11-May-2024 11:16:07

37 Views JavaScript, Object Oriented Programming 9 months ago

What is the Scope of Public Access Modifier in Java?

In Java, access modifiers play a crucial role in defining the visibility and accessibility of classes, methods, and variables within a program. Among these modifiers, the public access modifier holds ... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

31-Mar-2024 13:09:30

36 Views Java, Object Oriented Programming 10 months ago

September 11, 2020

2.2 K Views GCP Cloud Engineer 21 hours ago

What is a Method Signature in Java?

In the world of Java programming, method signatures play a crucial role in defining the structure and behavior of methods. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, grasping the concept o... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

30-Mar-2024 12:46:40

111 Views Java, Object Oriented Programming 10 months ago

What are Input, Activities & Output of Object Design?

Object design is the process of transforming a conceptual model into a concrete implementation. This is done by defining the structure, behavior, and interactions of the objects that make up the syste... Read Mores

September 11, 2020

2.2 K Views GCP Cloud Engineer 21 hours ago

What is Object Design & How its Different from UML Notations?

Object design is the process of designing objects in software systems that represent real-world objects, concepts, or entities. It is a critical aspect of software engineering that involves creating a... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

20-Mar-2024 14:14:40

47 Views Object Oriented Programming, OOAD 11 months ago