Category: OOAD
34 posts
What are Different Types and Categories of Requirements in OOAD
Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is a software engineering methodology that involves designing software systems using object-oriented concepts. One of the critical steps in OOAD is gathering... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne
04-Apr-2023 13:30:20
Explain Inception in Unified Process (UP) ?
Unified Process (UP) is an iterative and incremental software development process framework that helps in designing and building high-quality software systems. Inception is the first phase of UP, whic... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne
05-Apr-2023 11:20:48
September 11, 2020
2.2 K Views
GCP Cloud Engineer
21 hours ago
Difference Between Waterfall Lifecycle & Unified Process (UP)
Waterfall Lifecycle and Unified Process (UP) are two popular software development life cycle models. The main difference between the two is that waterfall lifecycle is a sequential and linear approach... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne
06-Apr-2023 16:28:33
What Is Agile Unified Process (Agile UP) ?
Agile Unified Process (AUP) is a lightweight, iterative, and adaptable software development methodology that combines the best practices of agile development with the disciplined approach of the Unifi... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne
03-Apr-2023 22:22:16
September 11, 2020
2.2 K Views
GCP Cloud Engineer
21 hours ago
Difference Between Interative & Evolutionary Development
Difference Between Interative & Evolutionary Development
Here's a table comparing iterative and evolutionary development in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD):
Iterative Develo... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne
17-Apr-2023 17:40:08
What is Interative and Evolutionary Analysis and Design ?
Interative and evolutionary analysis and design is a methodology used in software development to create software solutions that are both adaptable and user-focused. This methodology is built on the pr... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne
04-Apr-2023 8:25:11
September 11, 2020
2.2 K Views
GCP Cloud Engineer
21 hours ago
What is Evolutionary Development in OOAD ?
Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is a software engineering methodology that is widely used to develop high-quality software systems. OOAD is based on the principles of object-oriented progra... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne
03-Apr-2023 20:38:17
What is Iterative Development ?
Iterative development is a software development methodology in which software is developed incrementally and iteratively. In this methodology, the software is developed in multiple iterations, where e... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne
03-Apr-2023 14:37:24
September 11, 2020
2.2 K Views
GCP Cloud Engineer
21 hours ago
Explain the Procedure for Creating Design Class Diagrams
Creating design class diagrams is an important step in the software development life cycle. A class diagram is a visual representation of the classes, interfaces, and their relationships in a software... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne
03-Apr-2023 20:39:42
Explain Three Perspective that Applied When using UML in OOAD
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual modeling language used for designing software systems. It provides a standard way to represent the design of a system using various diagrams such as use cas... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne
03-Apr-2023 12:29:56
September 11, 2020
2.2 K Views
GCP Cloud Engineer
21 hours ago