Category: Placements Questions

5 posts

Count Number of Homogenous Substrings

  Introduction: Given a string s, the goal is to determine the number of homogenous substrings it contains. A string is considered homogenous if all its characters are the same. Substrings, on ... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

09-Nov-2023 17:52:13

231 Views C Programming, Java, Placements Questions 11 months ago

Top 10+ Interview Questions & Answers Ask on Iterative Development

Iterative development is a popular software development approach that involves developing software in small, incremental steps. It allows developers to gather feedback from users at each stage of the ... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

04-Apr-2023 11:12:45


September 11, 2020

2.2 K Views GCP Cloud Engineer 21 hours ago

How to Check the URL Contains Certain String or Not Using PHP

Hey Friends, In this tutorial given a URL and the task is to check the URL contains certain string or not. The URL are basically the strings. So in order to check the existence of certain strings, two... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

07-Mar-2023 17:42:28

81 Views PHP, Placements Questions 2 years ago

Write C program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative

In this tutorial we'll learn how to check whether a given integer is positive or negative. We have the the number that we need to check that integer is positive or negative number using c program. ... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

10-Feb-2023 13:46:26


September 11, 2020

2.2 K Views GCP Cloud Engineer 21 hours ago

Find Second largest element in an array using C Programming

Given an array of integers, our task is to write a program that efficiently finds the second largest element present in the array. Example: Input: arr[] = {12, 35, 1, 10, 34, 1} Output: The se... Read Mores
Prathmesh Yelne

12-Jan-2023 0:25:36

288 Views C Programming, Placements Questions 2 years ago