How to Add CSS in Ruby on Rails?

In the realm of web development, Ruby on Rails stands out as a robust framework renowned for its simplicity and efficiency in building web applications. While Rails provides powerful tools for backend development, integrating CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) effectively is crucial for creating visually appealing and responsive user interfaces. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the various methods of adding CSS in Ruby on Rails applications, along with practical examples to illustrate each approach.

Understanding the Role of CSS in Ruby on Rails:

CSS plays a pivotal role in defining the visual presentation of web pages created with Ruby on Rails. It enables developers to control layout, typography, colors, and other stylistic aspects of their applications. By separating the presentation layer from the backend logic, CSS facilitates cleaner code organization and enhances the maintainability of Rails projects.

1. Inline CSS:

The simplest method of add CSS on Ruby on Rails views is by using inline styles directly within HTML tags. While this approach offers convenience, it's generally not recommended for larger projects due to its lack of scalability and maintainability. Here's an example illustrating inline CSS usage:

<%= content_tag :div, "Hello, World!", style: "color: blue; font-size: 18px;" %>

2. Embedded CSS:

Embedded CSS involves placing CSS code directly within the `<style>` tags within Rails views. While this method provides more flexibility compared to inline styles, it still suffers from issues related to code separation and maintainability. Here's how embedded CSS can be implemented:

  .welcome-text {
    color: blue;
    font-size: 18px;

<%= content_tag :div, "Hello, World!", class: "welcome-text" %>

3. External Stylesheets:

The preferred approach for adding CSS to Ruby on Rails applications is by using external stylesheets. This method promotes code reusability, enhances maintainability, and enables efficient management of styles across multiple pages. To incorporate external stylesheets, follow these steps:

a. Create a CSS file in the `app/assets/stylesheets` directory, e.g., `custom_styles.css`.

b. Link the CSS file in the layout file (e.g., `application.html.erb`) using the `stylesheet_link_tag` helper method:

<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'custom_styles' %>

c. Define styles within the CSS file as usual:

.welcome-text {
  color: blue;
  font-size: 18px;

 d. Apply styles to HTML elements using class or ID selectors in Rails views:

<%= content_tag :div, "Hello, World!", class: "welcome-text" %>

4. Asset Pipeline and CSS Preprocessors:

Ruby on Rails employs the Asset Pipeline to manage assets such as CSS, JavaScript, and images. Additionally, Rails supports CSS preprocessors like Sass and Less, which extend the functionality of CSS by introducing features like variables, mixins, and nested rules. To leverage CSS preprocessors in a Rails application:

   a. Install the desired preprocessor gem (e.g., `sass-rails` for Sass) by adding it to the Gemfile and running `bundle install`.

   b. Rename stylesheet files with the appropriate preprocessor extension (e.g., `.scss` for Sass).

   c. Utilize preprocessor features within stylesheet files:

$primary-color: #007bff;

.welcome-text {
  color: $primary-color;
  font-size: 18px;

   d. The Asset Pipeline automatically compiles preprocessed CSS files into standard CSS during the deployment process.


Mastering the integration of CSS in Ruby on Rails applications is essential for delivering visually compelling and user-friendly web experiences. By understanding the various methods of adding CSS in Ruby on Rails, including inline styles, embedded CSS, external stylesheets, and CSS preprocessors, developers can effectively manage styling requirements while adhering to best practices in Rails development. With the examples and guidelines provided in this guide, developers can enhance the aesthetics and functionality of their Ruby on Rails applications with confidence.


