Jai Shree Ram, Ram Name using Python Turtle

Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, offers a variety of libraries that make it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers. One such library is Turtle, which provides a unique way to introduce programming concepts through graphics. In this article, we'll explore the Turtle graphics library and delve into a Python script that uses it to draw circles with the words "Jai Shree Ram."

Understanding Turtle Graphics

Turtle graphics is a popular way to introduce programming to beginners. It's a simple and engaging way to create drawings using a virtual "turtle" that moves around the screen. The turtle can be controlled with commands to draw shapes, patterns, and more. The Turtle graphics library is part of Python's standard library, making it easily accessible for anyone with Python installed.

The Python Script

Let's take a closer look at the Python script to write Ram Name using Python Turtle. The script uses the Turtle graphics library to draw 50 circles with the words "जय श्री राम" arranged in a circular pattern. Additionally, it places the text "|| राम ||" in the center of the circles.

# import turtle module
from turtle import *

# Set the speed of the turtle

# title
title('Jai Shree Ram')

# background color 

# pen size

# pen  color

# draw Jai Shree Ram in 50 times in circle
ram_naam = ["जय श्री राम"] * 50

#set  360 angle
angle = 360/50
for i in range(50):
    write(ram_naam[i], align="right",

# write ram name in the circle
write("|| राम ||", font=("Arial", 60,
"normal"), align="center")

Breaking Down the Script

  1. Importing the Turtle Module:

    from turtle import *

    This line imports the Turtle graphics library, allowing you to use its functions and methods in your script.

  2. Setting Turtle Speed:


    The speed() function sets the speed of the turtle. In this case, the speed is set to 5, which is a moderate speed. You can adjust this value from 1 to 10 to control the drawing speed.

  3. Setting Title and Background:

    title('Jai Shree Ram')

    These lines set the title of the turtle graphics window to 'Jai Shree Ram' and the background color to black.

  4. Setting Pen Size and Color:


    The pensize() function sets the width of the drawing pen, and pencolor() sets the pen color. In this case, the pen size is set to 5, and the color is set to orange.

  5. Drawing Circles with Text:

    Ram_naam = ["जय श्री राम"] * 50
    angle = 360/50
    for i in range(50):
        write(Ram_naam[i], align="right", font=('Arial',12,"bold"))

    This section uses a loop to draw 50 circles with the text "जय श्री राम" around the circumference. The angle variable determines the angle between each circle, and the write() function adds the text to each circle.

  6. Adding Central Text:

    write("|| राम ||", font=("Arial", 60, "normal"), align="center")

    Finally, this part moves the turtle to a specific location and writes the central text "|| राम ||" with a larger font size.

  7. Hiding Turtle and Completing:


    The hideturtle() function hides the turtle cursor, and done() completes the drawing, keeping the window open until manually closed.

Running the Script

To run the script, follow these steps:

  1. Save the script in a file with a ".py" extension, such as "draw_ram.py."

  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the script.

  3. Run the script using the command:

    python3 draw_ram.py

    Replace "draw_ram.py" with the actual filename if it's different.

  4. Observe the Turtle graphics window that opens, displaying the circles with the words "जय श्री राम" and the central text "|| राम ||."


Turtle graphics in Python provides an interactive and engaging way to introduce programming concepts. This script demonstrates the use of the Turtle graphics library to create a visually appealing pattern with cultural significance. Feel free to experiment with the code, adjusting parameters and exploring additional features offered by Turtle graphics.

In summary, Turtle graphics not only serves as a learning tool for beginners but also allows for creative expression through code. Happy coding and Jay Shree Ram!


