What are the GOF Design Pattern? with Example, Benefit, Principles, Advantage & Disadvantage

GOF Design Patterns: An Overview

Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They provide developers with proven solutions that can be adapted to fit a wide range of situations. The Gang of Four (GOF) is a group of four authors who wrote a book called "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software," which outlines 23 design patterns that have become widely recognized and used in the software development industry. In this article, we will discuss the GOF design patterns in detail, including their examples, benefits, principles, advantages, and disadvantages.

Creational Design Patterns

Creational design patterns are used to create objects in a system. They deal with object creation mechanisms, trying to create objects in a manner that is suitable to the situation. The creational design patterns are as follows:

1. Singleton Pattern

The Singleton Pattern is a creational pattern that ensures that only one instance of a class is created and provides a global point of access to that instance. This pattern is often used in situations where it is desirable to limit the number of instances of a class that can be created, such as a database connection or a logging class.


A logging class that writes log messages to a file can use the Singleton Pattern to ensure that only one instance of the class is created, regardless of how many times the class is called. This helps to prevent the file from being opened and closed multiple times, which can be a performance issue.


• It ensures that only one instance of a class is created.
• It provides a global point of access to that instance.


• The Singleton class should have only one instance.
• The Singleton class should provide a global point of access to that instance.


• It ensures that only one instance of a class is created.
• It provides a global point of access to that instance.


• It can be difficult to test code that uses the Singleton Pattern.
• It can be difficult to change the Singleton class if it needs to be modified.

2. Factory Method Pattern

The Factory Method Pattern is a creational pattern that provides an interface for creating objects, but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created. This pattern is often used when a class cannot anticipate the type of objects it will need to create or when a class wants to delegate responsibility for object creation to its subclasses.


A class that reads data from different types of files (e.g., CSV, Excel, XML) can use the Factory Method Pattern to create a different file reader object for each type of file. The subclasses can then provide their own implementation of the file reader object.


• It allows for a flexible and extensible way to create objects.
• It can improve code readability by separating object creation from object usage.


• The Factory Method should be declared in an interface or abstract class.
• Subclasses should implement the Factory Method to create objects.


• It allows for a flexible and extensible way to create objects.
• It can improve code readability by separating object creation from object usage.


• It can result in a large number of subclasses if there are many types of objects to create.
• It can be difficult to choose the appropriate subclass for object creation.

3. Abstract Factory Pattern

The Abstract Factory Pattern is a creational pattern that provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. This pattern is often used when a system needs to be independent of how its objects are created, composed, and represented.


A GUI framework can use the Abstract Factory Pattern to create different types of user interface elements, such as buttons, text boxes, and menus. The abstract factory interface can specify the look and feel of the elements, and each concrete factory can provide its own implementation of the elements for a specific operating system or platform.


• It allows for the creation of families of related or dependent objects.
• It promotes loose coupling between the client code and the concrete classes.


• The Abstract Factory interface should define a set of methods for creating related or dependent objects.
• Each concrete factory should provide its own implementation of the methods to create the objects.


• It allows for the creation of families of related or dependent objects.
• It promotes loose coupling between the client code and the concrete classes.


• It can result in a large number of concrete factories if there are many families of objects to create.
• It can be difficult to extend the Abstract Factory interface if new types of objects need to be created.

Structural Design Patterns

Structural design patterns are used to design the structure of objects and classes in a system. They focus on how objects are composed to form larger structures. The structural design patterns are as follows:

1. Adapter Pattern

The Adapter Pattern is a structural pattern that allows two incompatible interfaces to work together. It involves creating a class that translates the interface of one object so that it can be used by another object. This pattern is often used when a class cannot be modified to support an interface that is needed by client code.


An application that uses a third-party library to display images in a specific format (e.g., JPEG) can use the Adapter Pattern to display images in a different format (e.g., BMP). The adapter class can translate the format of the image so that it can be displayed by the application.


• It allows for the integration of incompatible classes.
• It promotes code reuse by adapting existing classes.


• The Adapter class should implement the interface that is required by the client code.
• The Adapter class should wrap an instance of the incompatible class.


• It allows for the integration of incompatible classes.
• It promotes code reuse by adapting existing classes.


• It can result in a large number of adapter classes if there are many incompatible interfaces to integrate.
• It can be difficult to choose the appropriate adapter class for integration.

2. Bridge Pattern

The Bridge Pattern is a structural pattern that decouples an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently. It involves creating two separate hierarchies, one for the abstraction and one for the implementation, and using a bridge object to connect the two hierarchies. This pattern is often used when a class needs to be extended in two independent ways.


A drawing application can use the Bridge Pattern to support different drawing tools (e.g., pen, brush, pencil) and different shapes (e.g., circle, rectangle, triangle). The abstraction hierarchy defines the drawing tools, while the implementation hierarchy defines the shapes. The bridge object connects the two hierarchies, allowing the application to use any combination of tool and shape.


• It allows for the decoupling of an abstraction from its implementation.
• It promotes flexibility and extensibility by allowing the two hierarchies to vary independently.


• The Abstraction interface should define a set of methods for using the implementation objects.
• The Implementation interface should define a set of methods for manipulating the implementation objects.
• The Bridge class should connect the Abstraction and Implementation hierarchies.


• It allows for the decoupling of an abstraction from its implementation.
• It promotes flexibility and extensibility by allowing the two hierarchies to vary independently.


• It can result in a large number of classes if there are many abstractions and implementations to support.
• It can be difficult to choose the appropriate bridge class for a given combination of abstraction and implementation.

3. Composite Pattern

The Composite Pattern is a structural pattern that allows objects to be composed into tree-like structures and treated as a single object. It involves creating a class hierarchy where both individual objects and composite objects are treated as a single type of object. This pattern is often used to represent hierarchies of objects that have a recursive structure.


A file system can use the Composite Pattern to represent directories and files as a tree-like structure. A directory can contain both files and subdirectories, which can in turn contain more files and subdirectories. The composite object represents the directory and its contents, while the individual objects represent the files and subdirectories.


• It allows for the creation of hierarchical structures of objects.
• It promotes code reuse by treating individual and composite objects as a single type.


• The Component interface should define a set of methods for manipulating both individual and composite objects.
• The Leaf class should implement the Component interface for individual objects.
• The Composite class should implement the Component interface for composite objects.


• It allows for the creation of hierarchical structures of objects.
• It promotes code reuse by treating individual and composite objects as a single type.


• It can be difficult to restrict the operations that can be performed on individual and composite objects.
• It can be difficult to balance the flexibility and complexity of the composite structure.

Behavioral Design Patterns

Behavioral design patterns are used to manage the interaction between objects and classes in a system. They focus on how objects communicate and collaborate with each other. The behavioral design patterns are as follows:

1. Chain of Responsibility Pattern

The Chain of Responsibility Pattern is a behavioral pattern that allows multiple objects to handle a request without knowing which object will handle it. It involves creating a chain of objects, where each object in the chain has a reference to the next object. When a request is received, the first object in the chain tries to handle it. If the object cannot handle the request, it passes the request to the next object in the chain.


A web application can use the Chain of Responsibility Pattern to handle different types of requests (e.g., authentication, authorization, logging). The first object in the chain can handle authentication requests, while the second object can handle authorization requests. If neither object can handle the request, the request can be logged by the third object.


• It allows for the dynamic handling of requests without requiring knowledge of the handling objects.
• It promotes the separation of concerns by allowing different objects to handle different types of requests.


• Each Handler class should have a reference to the next Handler object in the chain.

• Each Handler class should implement a method to handle the request.

• The Client class should create the chain of Handler objects and pass the request to the first Handler object.


• It promotes the separation of concerns by allowing different objects to handle different types of requests.
• It allows for the dynamic handling of requests without requiring knowledge of the handling objects.


• It can result in long chains of objects, which can affect performance.
• It can be difficult to guarantee that a request will be handled by a Handler object in the chain.

2. Observer Pattern

The Observer Pattern is a behavioral pattern that allows objects to be notified when the state of another object changes. It involves creating a one-to-many relationship between objects, where the one object (the Subject) maintains a list of its dependents (the Observers). When the state of the Subject changes, it notifies all of its Observers.


A weather application can use the Observer Pattern to notify users when the weather changes. The weather object can be the Subject, and the user objects can be the Observers. When the weather changes, the weather object can notify all of its Observers of the change.


• It allows for objects to be notified when the state of another object changes.
• It promotes loose coupling between objects, since the Subject and Observers do not need to know about each other.


• The Subject interface should define methods for adding and removing Observers, as well as for notifying Observers of changes.
• The Observer interface should define a method for receiving updates from the Subject.
• The ConcreteSubject class should implement the Subject interface.
• The ConcreteObserver class should implement the Observer interface.


• It allows for objects to be notified when the state of another object changes.
• It promotes loose coupling between objects, since the Subject and Observers do not need to know about each other.


• It can result in a large number of Observer objects, which can affect performance.
• It can be difficult to guarantee that Observers are notified in the correct order.

3. Command Pattern

The Command Pattern is a behavioral pattern that allows requests to be encapsulated as objects, thereby allowing the requests to be parameterized and stored for later use. It involves creating a Command object that encapsulates a request, along with any necessary parameters. The Command object can then be stored and executed later.


A word processing application can use the Command Pattern to implement undo and redo functionality. The user's actions (e.g., typing, deleting) can be encapsulated as Command objects, which can be stored in a Command history. When the user invokes the undo command, the application can execute the previous Command object, thereby undoing the user's previous action.


• It allows for requests to be encapsulated as objects, thereby allowing the requests to be parameterized and stored for later use.
• It promotes extensibility by allowing new Commands to be easily added.


• The Command interface should define a method for executing the command.
• The ConcreteCommand class should implement the Command interface and contain a reference to the Receiver object that will execute the command.
• The Receiver class should contain the methods necessary to perform the action requested by the Command object.
• The Invoker class should maintain a history of Command objects and be responsible for executing them.


• It allows for requests to be encapsulated as objects, thereby allowing the requests to be parameterized and stored for later use.
• It promotes extensibility by allowing new Commands to be easily added.


• It can result in a large number of Command classes, which can affect performance.
• It can be difficult to ensure that Commands are executed in the correct order.


Design patterns are an important part of software development, and the GOF Design Patterns are some of the most well-known and widely used patterns in the industry. These patterns provide a standard vocabulary for describing solutions to common software design problems, making it easier for developers to communicate and collaborate.

In this article, we covered three of the GOF Design Patterns: the Chain of Responsibility Pattern, the Observer Pattern, and the Command Pattern. Each pattern has its own unique benefits, principles, advantages, and disadvantages.

The Chain of Responsibility Pattern is useful when you need to handle requests in a flexible and dynamic way. It promotes the separation of concerns and allows different objects to handle different types of requests.

The Observer Pattern is useful when you need to notify objects of changes in the state of another object. It promotes loose coupling between objects and allows for objects to be notified when the state of another object changes.

The Command Pattern is useful when you need to encapsulate requests as objects and store them for later use. It promotes extensibility and allows for new Commands to be easily added.

It's important to note that these patterns are not always the best solution for every problem. It's up to the developer to evaluate the problem at hand and determine whether a design pattern is appropriate, and if so, which one to use.

In conclusion, the GOF Design Patterns are a powerful tool for software developers. By understanding the principles, benefits, advantages, and disadvantages of these patterns, developers can choose the right pattern for the job and build more robust and maintainable software.


