HTML - Basic Tags

Heading Tags

In the vast landscape of web development, HTML remains the cornerstone language. Understanding its fundamentals is crucial for anyone aspiring to craft compelling and well-structured web content. Among the foundational elements of HTML are heading tags, indispensable tools for organizing and hierarchically structuring content.

Any document starts with a heading. You can use different sizes for your headings. HTML also has six levels of headings, which use the elements <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6>. While displaying any heading, browser adds one line before and one line after that heading.

The Importance of Heading Tags

Heading tags serve multiple purposes, both for human readers and search engines. For users, headings provide visual cues that help them navigate and understand the content more efficiently. Properly structured headings enhance readability and accessibility, making it easier for visitors to grasp the main ideas of a webpage at a glance.

Search engines also rely on heading tags to interpret and index web content accurately. They use headings to determine the relevance and context of the content, which can impact the page's ranking in search results. By optimizing heading tags with relevant keywords, web developers can improve the visibility and discoverability of their websites.

Best Practices for Using Heading Tags

To make the most of heading tags, it's essential to follow some best practices:

  • Use Semantic Hierarchy: Headings should be structured hierarchically, with <h1> representing the main title or heading of the page, followed by <h2> for section headings, <h3> for subsections, and so on. This semantic hierarchy helps convey the logical structure of the content.
  • Avoid Skipping Levels: Each heading level should be used sequentially, without skipping levels. For example, if you use an <h2> tag within a section, it should be followed by an <h3> tag for subsections, rather than jumping to <h4>.
  • Limit the Use of <h1>: While <h1> is the most important heading tag, it should be used sparingly to avoid diluting its significance. Ideally, each webpage should have only one <h1> tag, representing the main title or heading.
  • Be Descriptive: Headings should accurately summarize the content of the section they precede. Clear and descriptive headings improve user experience and help users quickly find the information they're seeking.
  • Optimize for Accessibility: Ensure that headings are accessible to all users, including those using assistive technologies such as screen readers. Use proper heading structure and provide alternative text for images to make the content more inclusive.


<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>Heading Example</title>
      <h1>This is heading 1</h1>
      <h2>This is heading 2</h2>
      <h3>This is heading 3</h3>
      <h4>This is heading 4</h4>
      <h5>This is heading 5</h5>
      <h6>This is heading 6</h6>

Paragraph Tag

The <p> tag offers a way to structure your text into different paragraphs. Each paragraph of text should go in between an opening <p> and a closing </p> tag as shown below in the example −


<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>Paragraph Example</title>
      <p>Here is a first paragraph of text.</p>
      <p>Here is a second paragraph of text.</p>
      <p>Here is a third paragraph of text.</p>

Line Break Tag

Whenever you use the <br /> element, anything following it starts from the next line. This tag is an example of an empty element, where you do not need opening and closing tags, as there is nothing to go in between them.

The <br /> tag has a space between the characters br and the forward slash. If you omit this space, older browsers will have trouble rendering the line break, while if you miss the forward slash character and just use <br> it is not valid in XHTML.


<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>Line Break  Example</title>
      <p>Hello<br />
         You delivered your assignment ontime.<br />
         Thanks<br />

Centering Content

You can use <center> tag to put any content in the center of the page or any table cell.


<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>Centring Content Example</title>
      <p>This text is not in the center.</p>
         <p>This text is in the center.</p>

This will produce following result −

Horizontal Lines

Horizontal lines are used to visually break-up sections of a document. The <hr> tag creates a line from the current position in the document to the right margin and breaks the line accordingly.

For example, you may want to give a line between two paragraphs as in the given example below −


<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>Horizontal Line Example</title>
      <p>This is paragraph one and should be on top</p>
      <hr />
      <p>This is paragraph two and should be at bottom</p>

Again <hr /> tag is an example of the empty element, where you do not need opening and closing tags, as there is nothing to go in between them.

The <hr /> element has a space between the characters hr and the forward slash. If you omit this space, older browsers will have trouble rendering the horizontal line, while if you miss the forward slash character and just use <hr> it is not valid in XHTML

Preserve Formatting

Sometimes, you want your text to follow the exact format of how it is written in the HTML document. In these cases, you can use the preformatted tag <pre>.

Any text between the opening <pre> tag and the closing </pre> tag will preserve the formatting of the source document.


<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>Preserve Formatting Example</title>
         function testFunction( strText ){
            alert (strText)

Try using the same code without keeping it inside <pre>...</pre> tags

Nonbreaking Spaces

Suppose you want to use the phrase "12 Angry Men." Here, you would not want a browser to split the "12, Angry" and "Men" across two lines −

An example of this technique appears in the movie "12 Angry Men."

In cases, where you do not want the client browser to break text, you should use a nonbreaking space entity &nbsp; instead of a normal space. For example, when coding the "12 Angry Men" in a paragraph, you should use something similar to the following code −


<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>Nonbreaking Spaces Example</title>
      <p>An example of this technique appears in the movie "12&nbsp;Angry&nbsp;Men."</p>
